MISSION TRIP TO Central American nation - lovely SCARLET parrot - wonderful BIRD VIDEO'S

in #facebook6 years ago

Our Mission Team took an outsized cluster of WWH2H youngsters to the Mayan Ruins at Copan. The Ruins were superb, but the Scarlet Macaw's there have been fabulous yet.

Scarlet parrot video one
These birds were terribly tame as you'll see within the video. it had been thus terribly cool to check this huge population of the National Bird of Central American nation.

Scarlet parrot facts
Revered by the Maya, Scarlet Macaws once flew in abundance over abundant of Central America. these days their numbers have drastically fallen, because the stunning birds square measure below constant and sustained threat from deforestation and cooking. The Scarlet parrot is currently on the species list.
The Scarlet parrot is that the national bird of Central American nation. full-grown, they weigh approx. a pair of pounds and square measure on the point of three feet long. Mostly red, they even have bright yellow and blue coloring. They eat principally fruits and seeds, and their high decision may be detected for miles. Left undisturbed, they'll live for quite fifty years.!