
Not socialism, communism.

Socialism uses organized force, communism is just a better deal.
No bosses.

neither communism (marxism) nor socialism (keynianism)

it's time

It is time to end rule by force, irregardless of what we call that, or who wants to do it.

yes - austrian school is libertarian and has to do with voluntaryism.. has nothing to do with force. :)

Except in requiring that I have some means of exchange other than my humanity.
Your 'voluntaryism' is likely, imo, to have staving humans outside full warehouses, at least for a time.

But, I am no authoritarian, if you disavow force, then let the experiments begin, I say.

We've never had freedom in our lifetimes, we should probably try a few of the many routes to utopia.

and your communism killed millions, good job :)

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?

Please come back to objective reality, I clearly stated the voluntaryness of my proposal, and you start arguing about how it isn't, and try to paint it with a brush more comfortable for your argument.

Please stay on the same page as the rest of the conversation.

My communism was bombed back into submission in Barcelona, and Kiev before it.
By crapitalusts in Spain, and 'Communists' in the Ukraine.
So, historically in the record, there is that.
And, perhaps we should call what happened in Russia socialism, as they did.
Not communism, as defined by 'Red Emma', a lady that lived it much more precariously than most.