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RE: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?

in #fakenews7 years ago

Nothing like trying to bully someone with a name like mine by telling them what to do, guess what, someone tried you and you chose not to show how:

  1. Smallpox is distinguishable between the two versions Minor/Major without antigens, and if not through isolation and antigens then what
  2. Smallpox being isolated
  3. How it works(smallpox immunity through cowpox) if it clearly says it doesn't not 2 paragraphs after the first commonly accepted scientific fraud that Smallpox is immunized with cowpox is asserted as truth, why are there still outbreaks even so
  4. How anyone has proven that the antigens for Smallpox are the markers that signal Smallpox and not the other way around
  5. How much of the population actually was vaccinated to reach eradication