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RE: home state....and our own DHHS issues and pedophile connections.

Another excellent article. The criminal activities of Maine's criminal justice system is beyond belief. Two stories i'm familiar with are the two attempts on Sam Iserbyt's life, it's a miracle he survived the last one. The other case is Lori Handrahan, she had her daughter taken from her by the state and custody awarded to the father, a pedophile, convicted criminal and not even an American citizen. Lori hasn't seen or heard from her daughter in more than eight years. The following is a list of some of those involved in the trafficking of Lori's daughter and it's far from complete. The sexual abuse started when she was only two years old, Lawyer Michael Waxman, Director of Computer Crimes Lt. Glenn Lang, Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz, Attorney General Janet Mills, AAG Bill Stokes, Dr Karen Simone director of Northern New England Poison Center, Dan Despard former head of CPS, Dean Crocker Executive Director of Maine Children’s Alliance & Ombudsmen CPS, Jon Chapman Assistant USAG (DOJ). Republican Mary Mayhew and former CPS staffer Alicia Cummings. The evidence supporting both cases is overwhelming in their favour and irrefutable. With the exception of website ''The Unmasking of Maine...and Beyond, both cases were vilified in the media, the attack on Lori in even social media is something i've never come across before.

It's just a thought but i believe both these cases are ideal for someone like yourself to write about. Both deserve their story told and the spotlight shone on these criminals. This will also be a valuable resource for others to spread far and wide because the msm have gone out of their way to silence both stories.


CB...Why don't you write them up? Let me know when you have and I will resteem. You know them as well, or better, than I do...especially Lori's...