The Voice of Innocence - Turning From Apathy - Enjoy with Troy!

in #familyprotection4 years ago (edited)

Growing up, I was a child of the early 1960's. As a youngster, I would listen to Romper Room, Captain Kangaroo and Davey and Goliath. In Iowa, we also had local children's programming, including The Duane and Floppy Show and Dr. Max Show with Mombo. Recently, out of curiosity, I decided to check out the old Mickey Mouse Club of the 1950's. It was before my time. Some may remember Annette Funicello or Bobby Burgess.

The Innocence of Children...

My eyes were teared in the pure innocence of that time with each video I watched. Such tenderness and positive attitude.. and love. It was like I could not stop watching all these videos.

Perhaps I felt grief in the loss of our innocence as a society

Where Did It Go?

And today, it is a different picture. It seems children wear baggage instead of smiles depression instead of dancing hearts. Homes are broken, lives are hurting and tenderness is trashed far too quickly. I understand this is not Mayberry, but we did not get here by accident.

We, as a society, are responsible for where we are today.

Why Must Apathy Destroy?

I believe it was our selfish, non caring attitude that gradually allowed families to be destroyed. We allowed the government and the media to tear the family apart. By our silence, we accepted the broken home as the new normal. Society became conditioned and programmed to welcome the terms dead beat dad, baby daddy or working single mother into our vernacular. We allowed apathy to destroy the family.

And the CPS Steal?

And then the Child Protective Services knocked on the door of America. They further destroyed the home by stealing the children and creating a governmental baby farm. Yeah, they found ways to manipulate mom or little Jennie. Through intimidation and lies, they put our children in the custody of strangers or even worse... in sex trafficking. Our young, experienced the trauma of verbal, psychological, physical and emotional hell by folks that did not care about the child... only the paycheck. And the social workers have mandated weekly child placement quotas to meet.

But hey, It was not our child. Only someone else's nightmare. Right? We were too busy and did not want to get involved. Too sticky of a situation. Apathy seemed to work... for awhile.. until they knocked at the door...your door.

But we can change the direction

When We Come Together

At what point will we rise up and defend innocence? When is enough enough? We allowed apathy to do this. We didn't go from the Mickey Mouse Club to global child trafficking overnight. It is up to each of us protect the innocent. The days of Captain Kangaroo may never return, but families don't deserve to be stalked and harassed. Child theft must end.

And turn it around

To Protect Families

There are folks who are doing just that. They understand the pain of the helpless and hear the voice of the hurting. Pro-family groups like @familyprotection work together to keep families together and little hearts happy. They know the destruction of apathy and defend children from the CPS. I would encourage you to support @familyprotection as they help to preserve innocence and freedom for all.

Will you help make it happen?

We will hear the Voice of Innocence Again!

I long to hear the voice of innocence in all children. How about you?

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Thanks for listening. Feel free to comment, upvote or repost

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for you kind comment and knowledge. I know there are many here @familyprotection including @canadian-coconut who know the trauma that these young children and families go through. Blessings.