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Most likely, the vaccines are a requirement to be in that shelter.
Similar tragedies happen in public schools where children are now exposed to pornographic material.
That is why homeschooling is trending.


yeah, I think you're right, it's organisation demands, but it's not a reason to make vaccination without parent agreement. Unvaccinated kids do have a right to be in kindergartens, schools and in other kids organisations. But sometimes parents fight for it...

But most people don't learn the lessons as well as the system. When public organizations get into trouble, some may back out, but others use their lawyers to include those requirements in the fine print people sign before receiving their services. Yes, those documents we are used to sign without reading.

yeah, people don't read. or don't get what they have read and sign. Popular System traps to write 3 pages of complicated text the essence of which can be said in 3 simple sentences