FOLLOW UP on DC 23-171, the “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act of 2020,"

in #familyprotection3 years ago

Quote: John Dewey

I previously wrote a post about this new law: "DC 23-171, the “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act of 2020,"

On 2 March 2021 Senator Mike Lee of Utah, who wrote resolution (S.J. Res. 7 - a veto against the very dangerous DC law) called for the veto to be passed by common consent.

Senator Lee began,

Madam President,“the Minor Consent for Vaccination Amendment Act of 2020 is a measure adopted by the District of Columbia that would allow children 11 years old and older to consent on their own, without their parents’ knowledge or acquiescence or consent, to being vaccinated.”
“Now, young children don’t even necessarily know their own medical history, their own family’s medical history, or potential allergies. Nor do they have the adult judgment that’s sometimes needed to make an informed decision as to consent for a particular medical procedure or treatment, or even vaccination.”

Senator Lee summed up by saying, decisions like these ought to be made by parents. It should not be made by children as young as 11 year old, and that without even consulting with their parents.


By the common consent procedure, the resolution
S.J. Res. 7 would have immediately brought to the floor for a third reading and considered passed.

But the “common consent” mechanism requires that there be no objection whatsoever.

The objection came from Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) , he objected to Senator Lee’s proposal. He said in his opinion

the Senate should not second-guess the decisions of the DC Council. (Senator Lee later rebutted that overseeing decisions for DC is a constitutional responsibility of the Congress, as provided in Article 1 of the Constitution.)

Unfortunately, S.J. Res. 7 was not passed by common consent. The Result is that it now it remains in the Homeland Security Committee follow its normal course of action.

But time is running out, the president must sign by 18 March otherwise the DC law will go into effect.

Some people in congress is playing politics and the future and health of children hang in balance. None of Senator's Carper's objections had anything to do
regarding the content of DC23-171. Even ones that want the law passed are very careful to tell parents that they are not to be trusted to make the right decisions for their children.

With this new development, and with appreciation to Senator Lee for so championing the effort to halt this law, it is as important as ever to make sure your lawmakers know your support for the veto resolutions, H.J. Res. 25 in the House and S.J. Res. 7 in the Senate.

Senator Lee has 6 cosponsors on S.J.Res.7, and
H.J.Res.25 he has 16 total cosponsors in the House. Much more support is needed, all parties concerned must work together to stop this law.

Please support our fight through the VoterVoice system our partners at at Home School Legal Defense Association by clicking the link below:

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A big thank you to @canadian-coconut who is one of the founding members and a patron of @familyprotection.



Thank you for reading.