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RE: Creating The Brushstrokes of Protection And Freedom - Enjoy with Troy!

It is my belief that the family, as we know it, will cease to exist in the future, and is more endangered than any living species on this earth.

This sends chills down my spine. Unless the culture changes, families will become a rare thing in just a few generations. We will see it in this next generation. Not a single one of my friends (from the past) is planning to ever have children because they are too selfish to bother being a parent. The do not know what they are missing out on.

Thank you for your important posts and support for @familyprotection.


You are right. They do not know what they are missing. It is selfishness. But without children and family a nation becomes weaker and more vulnerable. We see the decline of the middle class that parallels the deterioration of the family as we know it. Sadly, it is the one parent homes and singlehood childless entities that have resulted. The fractured injured family has hobbled along for too long and needs our help and protection.

The whole world was repopulated with a single family of three children - that's the power of families!

Amen!!!!That is powerful!