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RE: My meeting with the Tusla (CPS Ireland) complaints officer

in #familyprotection6 years ago

But that's all fine. There are just too many 'misunderstandings' and 'miscommunications' for this to stick. In the case of our social worker, the misunderstandings had been going through the roof and at this point we're not talking anymore about a human being simply making a mistake by 'misunderstanding' one thing, but about someone who systematically misunderstands nearly everything she hears and uses this against another person.

In the court case I dealt with, I had proof of these "misunderstandings" -- showing a clear pattern of behavior stretching over a period of years. This was all labeled as "misunderstandings" by MY lawyer.

I can't shake my head enough.

How many times can a person keep getting away with behavior like that? How long will the establishments and the laws keep allowing it continue?

It's mind boggling.


It is indeed mind boggling. But it's not the establishment and laws that have to change. We have to. The 'normal' folks need to realize that we're the ones in power. Until then, THEY will keep abusing it. And I do have to say @miklkent: that lawyer should have been fired...It seems to me that he was either threatened or bought...or just a lousy lawyer.