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RE: My mind is filled with thoughts about planning procedures and my beloved children

Its heart wrenching! The only good part of it this go around is she at least has a good support system. When it went on the first time, she was just leaving him. He spread so many false rumors about her leaving that he had a whole team of people bad mouthing her. It was the toughest time in her life but it made her who she is now, a smart, strong, beautiful woman. Shes now happily married with the love of her life and has been for some years. Her oldest daughter whos 21 now, is her biggest fan and knows of the grips he tried (and did) to put on them growing up so its kind of an inside view of whats going on. When they went through this, they were 7 and 10. They had to go through quite a bit of therapy, the younger one still does. Never having that unconditional love from your father can really fuck you up! Now the youngest is about to start his therapy, hopefully its soon enough to help him let it all out so it doesnt screw him up emotionally. I sure do miss him though, we went from seeing him weekly, every Thursday, to all of sudden nothing. My daughter just loved her Gabriel and she wonders every time my sister comes over, where hes at. Its killer, for sure. But all we can do is be patient and pray for the best.