Over the past few years various areas have undergone digitization, including education. In my country it is developing fast too.

But digitalization leads not only to development of education, it includes interference of juvenile technologies into it. At its core, "Trajectory system", which is actually called the “system for identifying early family troubles,” is an electronic system of hidden surveillance of each family in which the presumption of guilt operates.

That is, every family becomes controlled by this system. For example, if a child was late to school, was rude to the teacher, or did not do an assignment, he ends up in this system as potentially "trouble family child". Each entry gives points in favor of this “disadvantage”. Teachers openly tell parents about it.

Why are such systems actually created? If we look at the world experience of such a phenomenon as juvenile justice, we will see that this is always, first of all, a highly profitable business of interfering in families.

In those countries where a similar system has already been introduced, for each child identified and removed, the state allocates serious money.

But this system has a big problem. The fact is that every year there are more and more people who want to make money from families under this scheme, the money is good, but the number of really disadvantaged families is not growing that much, and those that exist do not cover the demands.

And then additional concepts of disadvantage are introduced in order to artificially expand the market.

One of these concepts is precisely the identification of early family troubles, because it allows you to label any family as "a trouble one" when nothing has happened in the family yet, and gives the system the opportunity to immediately start making money on it.

All methodological materials and regulations for the work of all services related to CPS and identification of troubles are written by one fund.

This is the national Fund for the Protection of Children from Abuse, which in turn was organized by Usaid. And here are the financial sources of this fund.

And what’s most important is that they want to make such a system for monitoring families nationwide. It will be called AIS Prevention and will unite all related systems. That is, it will look for an opportunity to register the family there by all means.

I'll continue the topic in my next post


Hello @taliakerch all things and systems change to suit the new conditions, but can all members of society change to suit that? Not because there are those who are compliant and those who cannot.

the society is almost always blind and don't see the roots and effects.
But we're still not slaves because of that part who fight and who are awoken.