
Juvenile lobby promotes the law that will disarm society and won't let it protect families from CPS and kidnapping.

The legislative initiative, put forward by State Duma Deputy Pavel Krasheninnikov and Senator Andrei Klishas, provides for amendments to the procedure for removing children from the family. The authors propose to establish the possibility of the removal of children only on the basis of the decision of the district court.

it's the author of this bill

Moreover, this decision must be made by the court as soon as possible, no later than 24 hours from the moment the CPS submits documents to the court!
The profile committee of the State Duma gave a positive response to the bill.

What does it all mean?

It means that officials and juvenile lobby have prepared one more powerful weapon against families - express-courts. That is how these courts for 24 hours can be called.

Can you imagine? Early the decision whether a kid should be taken away from his parents had to be discussed and observed during some months! Now they will need just 1 day to break the life of a kid. But, of course, noone says about it directly. Their explanation is very "sweet' as usual. It's a kind of taking care about poor kids who are in danger in their own families.

This law has appeared not fast, they were trying to put their dirty hands into families' life long ago. First notes about it appeared some months ago, and they caused many indigantions, but the process was already started.

Maria Mamikonyan - the head of the organisation "Russian Parental Resistance"

Maria Mamikonyan - the head of the organisation "Russian Parental Resistance" says that if this law is adopted in Russia, families will lose the last opportunity of public protection.
And she knows what she says!
We know many cases when only publicity helped to return kids back to their homes, but in these cases it will not have any chance to help because 24 hours is too little to react and nake the case loud!

So this law has been prepared exactly for this reason - not to allow society to influence and help families to fight for their own kids...

This bill can be considered by the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the first reading already at a meeting on November 25. Waiting for news and hope we won't lose this struggle...


Думаю, это дело педофильской ложи. Ваше сообщение совпало с моим просмотром ролика.

Если нервы слабые, лучше не смотреть.

не самые крепкие, но и розовые очки не люблю, поэтому смотрела такое. и не только такое. отходила долго, но это надо знать и понимать. люди просто спят и живут в выдуманном для них мире. такая инфо пробуждает.

да уж...