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"No ministry, no social worker has a right to take kids away because of absence of orange fresh for their breakfast. It touches families with low income as well. The state has to help these kids, not to remove them from their parents.
Love is the main point of these questions, and if parents love their kids, there are no reasons to destroy families".

These are powerful statements, and the President is a powerful man. This certainly should help parents in their trials and troubles raising their families.



Love is the main point of these questions, and if parents love their kids, there are no reasons to destroy families

And who decides that parents are loving their kids?

  • The state.

Will the state think that conspiracy theorist parents love their kids? Or that they and their crazy theories, which come from ACTUALLY THINKING FOR ONESELF, hurts their kids - in the opinion of the state ofc.

Just as example.
To make clear, to never even give anyone such a power, at the first place. No matter for what they claim to need it.
Also not to the fictional concept of the state.

I absolutely agree with you.

yeah. You're right, there are many cases when CPS workers decided questions which are out of their duties. That's the great problem in all countries.

yeah, and his words really mean much, nobody can ignore them, so main hope of all families is such a position of the Head of the state.