in #farms6 years ago

From the banana tree we not only obtain its fruit, but also from the leaf we can take advantage of its benefits, giving it use in the kitchen as in medicine, the spiral of the banana leaf reaches a height of 2_4 m in length, and 1.5 m in width, the banana plant is one of the most cocechada in the whole world since it is of high consumption being present in our diet, but we will learn the use of its leaves which are very important.



The use of this sheet is very extensive, in our nation (VENEZUELA) the banana leaf forms part of our Christmas tradition, it is the season where its sale is very high, it is found in all markets, supplies, stores, warehouses, All Venezuelan households use this sheet to prepare the rich Christmas dish called the HALLACA, we also prepare with it the tasty buns of meat with the same aroma of the hallaca since the banana leaf gives it a special and succulent smell, it is for that which is of great demand in its production.
In India the banana leaf hindu and Buddhists use it as a dish where they usually put a variety of foods.
In the Mexican nation is used a lot in the preparation of tamales, in Colombia also in the same way, and in Honduras they use it to wrap the tamales of chicken or pork that is a traditional dish at Christmas, births and even wake.

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The banana leaf of it is made flour which is very nutritious for food and animal consumption since it contains a potential that makes the animal especially calf to grow and strengthen,


Among other uses, the banana leaf is medicinal, can be used as an anti-inflammatory analgesic, cures cough, relieves the bite of insects, sicatrizes wounds, etc. We realize that this plant, besides its fruit, which is very rich and high in vitamins, we obtain many benefits from its leaves. SHALOOM.

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