FARMS: Benefits types and properties of guanabana.

in #farms6 years ago

This is a rich fruit and we had planted where I used to live as a child, my mom had a guanabana tree. Its shape and texture are very strange on the outside and inside. As you can study this tree belongs to the annonaceae family, and is a very cultivated fruit in tropical countries since it is an edible fruit and with a bittersweet taste, besides the guanabana usually has an average weight of 2.9 kg that is divided into 75.6% is from the pulp, 4.8% is from seeds, 12.7% belongs to the skin, 6.9% to the spine, its fruits are usually sweet. The 17.2 grams of brix and an average of 171 seeds per fruit.
As I said that the guanabana usually has a bittersweet taste are good for preparing alcoholic beverages and juices, they are very good has a lot of benefits for their good properties.

Reveal spoiler


To continue talking about this rich fruit the guanabana I want to tell you its great properties and its benefits and also its variety of them.


This fruit is very exceptional and has for nutrition, vitamin C, a good source of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, also iron, magnesium and potassium. Tabien has annonacinea and is anticancer. These properties help us when we consume this fruit and now we know its benefits.


This fruit has excellent benefits for our health, and as I mentioned in my old house we had a guanabana tree and we could all enjoy this fruit.

  • Cure cancer

if we consume this fruit continuously and effectively helps fight cancer cells, it is also very natural and safe to fight this disease, and the good thing about it is that it does not cause side effects.

  • It improves our immune system

and is strong in vitamin C. And this helps keep us in shape and helps us fight diseases. The vitamin C of the guanabana is very high that the combierte in an antioxidant, and it maintains us in resistance and retards the aging.

  • Help for hemorrhoids and pain.

Helps fight and relieve waist pain, helps regulate appetite and ailivia and heals hemorrhoids.

  • Non-nutritional component.

Despite the fact that it is a fruit with a nutritional component, it also has non-nutritional components, such as fiber, which helps to give us energy and helps the digestive system.


  • We increase energy and osteoporosis.

Since this rich fruit contains phosphorus and calcium helps the health of our heusos. And because of its fructose content it can give us energy.

  • Prevents infections.

If we manage to consume this fruit twice a day, it can help us to control kidney diseases, liver, urinary tract infection and hematuria. Also not only is it edible because if we apply it to a court this will accelerate the healing process. And also prevent bacterial infection.

  • Helps nerve damage and keeps a heart from frying.

By containing vitamin B1, guanabana helps increase metabolism, blood circulation, nerve damage, edge restoration and central nervous disorders.
In addition, the vitamin B2 contained in this fruit helps produce energy in the body, the storage of fats, the function of the nervous system and the maintenance of the heart.

Reveal spoiler


To grow guanabana.

Clima and soils for guanabana: it is known that this fruit is from warm tropical and humid climates, not resistant to cold. It requires a temperature that is from 25 to 28 ° C, having a maximum annual rainfall of 1000 to 3000 mm, and are well distributed and can be grown in moderate dry areas.

The soils that this plant must have must be very deep, sandy and with excellent drainage. It is more if you find any climate and soil that is suitable you can easily grow this fruit.


The varieties of guanabana.

Among its varieties, botanical descriptions of them are not yet annoneae. And that the farmers could find 3 types of guanabana in which they were found for their different zones and are of the same quality and tasty, but that if there are different flavors, sweet, and agricultural. At home country that is tropical. And these are the three different guanabanas can be ovoid, heart-shaped or regular. As for its pulp can be juicy, soft, firm or dry. Everything is the trees usually vary.


But this is what my mother used to have planted in the patio of the house and its flavor was sweet and creamy and sticky but delicious texture.




Thanks for this amazing benefit am such we are able to learn various properties.


SteemChurch Farm (@farms)

Very educative post. I sure have learnt alot from this without doubt. Thanks for sharing and for always bringing in quality materials to farms.