A Paw-some Day Out: Cass, Jez, and Puppy’s Starbucks Adventure

in #fatherlast month


It was a crisp Saturday morning, the sun peeking through the clouds, promising a perfect day for an adventure. Twelve-year-old Cass, her father Jez, and their energetic puppy, aptly named Puppy, were ready to embark on a special outing. Cass had been eagerly anticipating this day all week, her excitement bubbling over as she laced up her shoes and grabbed Puppy’s leash.

“Are you ready, Dad?” Cass called out, her voice filled with enthusiasm. Jez, with a warm smile, nodded and grabbed the car keys. Puppy, sensing the excitement, barked and wagged his tail furiously, his little body almost bouncing off the floor.

Their destination was the local Starbucks, a favorite spot for Cass and Jez, and a new adventure for Puppy. As they pulled into the parking lot, Puppy’s nose twitched with curiosity at the myriad of scents wafting through the air. The trio made their way inside, where the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted them.

Cass’s eyes lit up as she spotted the special treat they were here for – the infamous Pup Cup. “Can we get it now, Dad?” she asked, barely containing her excitement. Jez chuckled and nodded, stepping up to place their order.

A few minutes later, they found a cozy spot outside, where Puppy could enjoy his treat without too much distraction. The moment the Pup Cup was placed in front of him, Puppy’s tail went into overdrive. He eagerly lapped up the whipped cream, his little tongue working furiously, much to Cass’s delight.

“Look at him go!” Cass giggled, her eyes sparkling with joy. Jez watched them, his heart full. These simple moments, shared over coffee and puppy treats, were what made life truly special.

As Puppy finished his Pup Cup, his nose and face covered in whipped cream, Cass pulled out her phone to capture the moment. “Say cheese, Puppy!” she laughed. Puppy, oblivious to the photo op, continued to lick his nose clean.

They spent the next hour enjoying each other’s company, sipping coffee, and sharing stories. Jez told Cass about the time he had his first dog, a tale that always fascinated her. Cass, in turn, shared her latest school adventures, her words tumbling out in an excited rush.

Finally, it was time to head home. As they walked back to the car, Cass held Puppy’s leash while Jez carried their empty coffee cups. The day had been a simple one, but in its simplicity lay its magic – a father, his daughter, and their beloved puppy, sharing laughter and love.

As they drove back, Puppy dozed off in the back seat, exhausted from his adventure. Cass leaned her head against Jez’s shoulder. “Thanks, Dad,” she murmured. Jez smiled, his heart warm with the joy of their day. “Anytime, Cass. Anytime.”

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father daughter puppy starbucks adventure family time love pup cup memories