Faucet Post for 22nd October 2018

in #faucet6 years ago

Faucet Post

The Faucet posts now go out 7 days a week.

No registration needed as the only thing people need to do is Comment, Resteem or UpVote the post, or any of my other posts, to be added to the weekly payout every Sunday.

I will count the post rewards over a 7 day period for all my post and payout 50% of the SBD every Sunday for all the comments/resteems/upvotes.

This means the more upvotes I get on ALL my posts the more SBD I will payout.

If anyone wants to donate additional SBD as a sponsor you will be mentioned as a sponsor in the daily Faucet posts. Minimum donation to be a sponsor is 0.100 SBD.

Today's Sponsors

Please follow them and Comment/Resteem/Upvote their posts to show gratitude.

Faucet Jackpot

If a Daily Faucet post gets over 600 comments or 800 upvotes, whichever comes first, the below 15 SBD sponsor donations will be added to that days payout.

The Faucet Jackpot target will rise on future posts.

New sponsor donations will be added to the below list until the Faucet Jackpot target above is reached. Sponsors should send a minimum of 1 SBD to @sydesjokes with a memo of "Faucet Jackpot donation".

SponsorSBD Donated

Faucet Payouts

Payments will be sent once they have reached 0.5 SBD. I had to add this payout limit because I have to send each payment manually now.

If you want your payout as SuperiorCoin before it reaches 0.5 SBD (you will need a Kryptonia.io account and provide your name there) use this FORM.

Register for a Kryptonia account and earn SuperiorCoins for doing tasks.

My Cryptocurrency Wallets

Bitcoin: 12pAsyMdZoTHPvkiRAZiuQhC8bF4DLbYpQ
DASH: XybhG747MJ1zgHs3X1EPz4gy2vXVJN3W1C
Ethereum: 0x72484B22e98205b8fED1F3DcCfA75Ce4Df8E380E
LiteCoin: LQG2B5roRxPwVj4jGVQpXQV1xZM3shDA3R


Share your Steemit Posts on Kryptonia.io --> SIGNUP HERE
#SuperiorCoin with #Kryptonia = #Upvotes on #Steemit



Faucet Payouts for 19th October 2018

0.6 SBD shared with these 73 people so 0.008 SBD each.

Faucet Payout


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for continuing ;-)

You are helping so MANY People! Thank you again and again for all that you do for the GREAT STEEMIT COMMUNITY! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Welcome to Faucet Post for 22nd October 2018.

What's the catch? Why are you giving away? Should I comment on this post, or there are some special posts on which you want comments and upvotes?

I am continuing with the weekly payouts. I will do the daily faucet posts but will to payouts once a week now. You can comment/resteem/upvote any of my posts to be in the weekly payout. Read the post above for more details.

OK. Thanks for the info. But why are you doing this? What's the point?

There is not enough interest in the daily faucet as it has been dropping off for months. It takes work from me to do it and without the interest it is a waste of my time.

I think we have misunderstanding. I'm asking what is point of the faucet itself?

thank you for the continuity

Thank again desu~


Thanks again!

Thanks Sydes

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you

Thank again desu~

"Opinion is usually something which people have when they lack comprehensive information."

-Idries Shah, Reflections

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks again for the faucet

My first thought was that this new format seems better and easier to everyone. Let's see how it goes in practice.


Great job.

thank you so much colin

Thank you for this endeavor Colin.

Thanks for the update

present and participating.

Oh thanks sir!

Start of something new

Thanks for sharing

hello friend!!

Thanks for the faucet!

Thank You

Hello!! present friends!!

Onward and Upward we Go!

awesome faucet, thanks

Nice job!!

Posted using Partiko Android