Respectfully, @cryptoctopus, I think your argument is built upon several non sequiturs. For instance, it does not follow that liberating female sexuality will result in more STDs and more unwanted pregnancies. In fact, the rates of both have dropped precipitously over the last couple of decades.
Also, I don't get why you don't get that liberating female sexuality is incredibly empowering for women. Most women (of a reasonable age and who have taken reasonable care of themselves) have what most every man wants most. And yet, society systematically deprives them of the ability to actively market and monetize that asset. A few women reject these societal limitations, exploit the system, and make a killing, but the vase majority stay "stuck" in a system where their sexuality is actively repressed and regulated.
Interesting, those few who do choose to systematically exploit their sexuality (and I'm talking about celebrities here) usually take far, far better care of their bodies than average. Rates of unwanted pregnancy, STDs, obesity, etc. are far less among those who make a living from exploiting their sexuality.