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RE: Does Misogyny Exist?

in #feminism8 years ago

im still waiting for you to back up any of your claims with facts. so far your basing everything on theories. if i got the time later ill make a full post oyour points and mine so we can actually solve this disagreement we are having. to many strawmen and red harrings in this back and forth.
so go get your links ready with factual based science to prove me wrong on the new post. if you can.


Dude, a simple question to you: if there are only male and female is a person with CAIS, i.e. a person who:

  • is genetical male
  • has female external characteristics (i.e. body shape and sexual organs)
  • identifies as a (usually heterosexual) woman
  • is able to have and enjoy sex as a woman
  • has testicles (not fully developed and not descended into a scrotum which they do not have)

a male or a female? Why one or the other? No adjectives please, just male or female and why.

Note that this happens with no intervention and the condition is often diagnosed only at puberty when the individual does not start menstruating.