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RE: Humble Pie - Food Fight Friday - Round 35

in #fff5 years ago

Good morning, Glen! As usual, it’s always nice to cross paths with you on Friday, I haven’t made it around to the other contenders yet, that’s next! As for Pura Vida, she didn’t plan on releasing anything last night so I included her in mine but then she read mine and had a change of heart. She put this contender together a few hours after me.

However, when you then proceed to say you don't know what day something was eaten, or where it was eaten—that's where the paradise part of this all kicks in for me. You're losing track of time and space! Exactly what being in paradise is all about! :)

You nailed it! I hope my subtle approach to humble pie was served up nicely. 😉 haha!! Eh, “guilty!” It sounds like I never let up on that whole paradise pie thing did I? Throw the book at me—I deserve it!

You know what, sir? I really love the rain. The smell, the noise it makes, etc. The rainy season is supposed to begin here at the end of April—I can’t wait!

Side note: Thanks a lot for supporting @shemzee. 👍🏿

Thanks for stopping by @glenalbrethsen.


I like the rain, too, especially after it's been dry and warm for a while. It's just that after a few days straight of it, the smell is gone (because everything is wet), the noise drones on and the gloominess from the cloud cover gets to you. So, I guess I'm speaking to moderation here, aren't I? :)

Okay. I'll need to go look for her post then. I still had a few other fff posts left over from last night that I didn't get to.

re: shemzee

Well, I haven't really done a whole lot, but the guy has a lot of talent (well, I guess he and his partner do, I should say), so an upvote or two was easy enough to do. :)