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RE: Humble Pie - Food Fight Friday - Round 35

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

Eh, Happ Birthd, tref! Uh huh.... I saw what you told Pura Vida. 😉 <— didn’t forget it that time. Here’s a second one just in case I forget again —> 😉.

Shut your friggin humble pie hole!

Eh, that was funny, tref, thanks for making me laugh out loud before 8am.

Yeah, she surprised me at the last minute with that entry, I brought it up a few times throughout the day and she wasn’t feeling it, then, we had lunch at a joint that served those Açaí bowls while we were waiting for the truck to get cleaned—still no entry. As soon as I entered mine and attached her belt, I saw her in the bedroom beating up her phone with her thumbs—it worked! 👍🏿 Just like you entering #fff last weekend “worked,” yup! You’ll get an appearance from me one of these days over there at the vegan table. 😉 I’ll be like “surprise!!” And throw a wrench fork in the whole shabang.

Thanks for stopping by skimming over @plantstoplanks. Ha!!!!


Nothing like your spouse calling you out to spur you to action. ;)

Thank you for the bedazzled birthday wishes! Heading out in a few hours to go celebrate with some gal pals. 👠💄👗

Good times. How young are you?

I'll be 37 years young. 😆 And still enjoying getting older and wiser each year, so hopefully that trend keeps on going.

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