in #fg-photocontest6 years ago (edited)

Hello to all photography lovers!

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants of this contest because the level was excellent!
You were 17 participants for the 6th day of the "WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST", it's amazing!

Here is the winner of this Day #6 who will be selected for the final and also the 4 other participants whose work was very good! I voted all your blogs and I invite you to participate in the LAST DAY! 🙌

THE DAILY WINNER IS: @pradeepdee6

My entry for the WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST by @flamingirl - Mandrill
Mandrill is with scientific name "Mandrillus sphinx" is primate of Old world Monkeys roots. The Mandrills are known for living in groups. The Mandrill has a great omnivorous diet consisting of wild forest fruits and the insects.

Mandrills are preyed on mainly by leopards. Crowned eagles are known to attack both adult and young mandrills. Pythons are also counted as predators. Since they live in group they are spotted easily and blind attacks are always fruitful to the predators.

The pictures are My entry for the WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST by @flamingirl on #fg-photocontest on day #6



2: @betterthanhome

Today we´ve been on a Trip to Phuket city to a famous Festival which will be held every year here in Thailand.
The story to the Festival will follow soon.
Thirsty Monkey
After the Festival we went to a place called Rang Hill from where you´ve got a beautiful view over Phuket. What I wasn´t expecting was, that there dozens of cheeky monkeys up there which grab everything they can get. Fortunately I already made my experience with these little fellas and knew that I´ve to hide everything from them.

Luckily I was able to get some good monkey shots up there and the one below is just perfect for the contest.

3: @drawmeaship

Hello, today i participate to the photo challenge of @flamingirl. Here is the link if you want to join:)
For todays photo, i just couldn't resist and put a photo from a kangaroo... I took this photo ages ago of a little wallaby at the Ballarat zoo in Australia. Wallaby are super cute because they are small size kangaroo they look like little babys even in their full size. It is amazing for a foreigner like me to see a kangaroo and what i love is that in the most zoo in australia the kangaroo are just walking around in some zoo you can even feed them. I got a bit scared feeding them one day because we had like 15 kangaroo around us grabbing our hands and the red kangaroo are huge and strong...
This little guy on the photo is so cute, he looks so focus on his little paws:)

4: @bijotte

Hi everybody!
Here is my entry in the @flamingirl contest! This is the first time that I participate in a contest but with all the photos I have, I could find something to do.

For this first day, I chose a kit that we saw next to Bic Park in Quebec. We were watching the sunset (which is among the most beautiful in the world!) When I saw a fox family playing. I could do a lot of fantastic photos!

5: @wandairawan

My entry for the WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST by @flamingirl

Hello photography lovers !!!
What's the news for all of you ?
May you all be healthy and always in His protection

On the fifth day of the photo contest held by @flamingirl, I @wandairawan came up with 1 photography from my own work to compete with senior photographers who took part in this photo contest.

The photography I want to present is a pair of butterflies that are seen again making out on the branches of kedondong trees. It is very romantic to see the style shown by these two animals so I am interested in sharing here in the contest photography that has been running for 5 days.

Do you all like butterflies ?
Hopefully you can like this butterfly because they are beautiful animals that can accompany each of your flower gardens.

The picture is My entry for the WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST by @flamingirl on #fg-photocontest on day #5

Congratulations @pradeepdee6, @betterthanhome, @drawmeaship, @bijotte, @wandairawan and Thank you to all participants!!!

See you soon for the LAST DAY of the 🐼 WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST 🐼 by @flamingirl!


If you liked reading this article, feel free to FOLLOW ME, UPVOTE and RESTEEM! It's always appreciated =D. Thank you all for your support and see you soon for a new flamingirl's adventures!


Hello! Only do photographers work for qualification?

nice i'll post some photos i have too!

Congratulations to rhe winner i love the expression on the monkey face so funny:) lovely selection amd thank you for having me in them:)

Great to know you enjoyed the pictures 😊

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You're welcome my dear friend! =D
Your kangaroo is soooooooooooooooo cute <3

Such a wonderful thing!
Just became aware of it.
Photos are simply beautiful.
Thanks for creating this exciting and creative contest @flamingirl.

Thank you so much my dear @maria444!!! =)
I hope to see you on my next contest ;-)

thanks for the honorable mention and congrats to @pradeepdee6

Thanks a lot and congrats on your picture 😊

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You're welcome my dear @betterthanhome =D

Thank you so much @flamingirl feeling special for the selection 😊😊
Congrats for all the mentions and all the best for Last day 😍😍

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Congratulations @pradeepdee6, you are in number one.
And congratulations to other friends, your photos are truly amazing.
@betterthanhome 🙂
@drawmeaship 🙂
@bijotte 🙂

You're welcome @pradeepdee6!
I love the Mandrill's face, so funny XD

Wow 4eme! Je suis trop contente! Bravo aux autres participants, la tête du singe... J'adore!!

Bravo à toi @bijotte!
Ta photo de ce petit renardeau est jsute superbe!
Merci encore pour ta participation <3