Textured Art Journal Page - 3 Fun Ways to Add Texture You’ll Love.

in #fibrepaste2 years ago

In this textured art journal page I will show you 3 ways to add texture.[br][br]
The quote for this page is:[br]

The bad news is time flies, the good news is you're the pilot.
[br] It reminds me that although time on Earth is limited you get to make decisions about how you spend it. Even if you are stuck in bed with illness or have a lot of things that you have to do every day you can still choose what to think about. All the great human inventions we have to be thankful for started out as an idea in someone’s thoughts so who’s to say that you can’t have an idea that changes the world? I loved the idea of celebrating this freedom in an art journal page and the techniques of adding texture that I have chosen hint at the depth of the unconscious mind and the process of revealing what is hidden there.[br][br]

How to Add Texture to Your Art

  • Use a texture medium e.g fibre paste or sand gel
  • Scratch back in to paste to create patterns
  • Use masks to create lowered areas where there is no texture paste
[br][br] Mixed media art