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RE: Challenge #04136-K118: Essential Knowledge

in #fiction2 months ago (edited)

As I think of it, the Gyiik would either find me very frustrating, or a wonderful challenge. Despite what my appearance may make people assume, I actually eat rather small amounts. I'm also pretty careful about spices, due to having a very sensitive stomach. So when I order out, I tend to order the smallest thing possible, without having to resort to a children's menu, to avoid upset.


They would definitely side with "challenge". Some love a challenge to the point of devotion.

In brief, you might become some Gyiik's hobby. And get a bunch of recipes from easy to complex to try out.

Heh, it would have to be almost havenworlder sized amounts, and nothing with alcohol. Otherwise I would quickly be negotiating with an empty receptacle. Sensitive tummy and allergies are not fun. 🤬🤬