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RE: Challenge #03065-H157: All Life Feeds on Death

in #fiction3 years ago

I can see it, they deliberately crashed their ship, but it wasn't damaged enough where they couldn't have just left. So they deliberately sabotaged their ship so it would look like their ship had been hurt a lot worse in the crash forcing them to stay there despite demands for them to leave.

I can also see the plant people doing a reverse on her and locking her up, or calling to the alliance to remove her, by force if necessary.


That makes sense. Also sounds like a prompt if you're not lazy "patient" like me and just wait for someone else to do the prompt XD

It hardly takes any time at all to write a prompt post. The title doesn't matter, and the content can be a link to this story and, "What did they do with Lass?"

Do it. You know you want to.

Perhaps one day. I take a very long time to do anything not immediately related to stuff I'm already doing ^_^;

Isn't that why you have nutters like me around? LOL :-D To make sure such prompts are made at the request of such wondrous and talented writers?