Sun of Earth

in #fiction2 years ago

I opened my eyes and took them to one of the diamond-tipped daggers in my hands. I had no idea who, or what, brought me here. My eyes were glued to the blade in my hand, and my hands squeezed the handle of the short-sword that hung near my hip. For the love of all that was holy, could someone please tell me what I was doing here?

I looked across the large cavern-like cave in front of me. A faint light shone on at least 20 thin-wristed, emerald-skinned humanoids standing off to the side. Their heads had no hair and their bodies were thin. Their deep-green eyes twinkled in the torchlight glimmering about the room. The low ceiling of the cavern prohibited their superior height from extending beyond six feet.

Thick, solid metal bars lined the opposite wall from the rest of the room. The metal bars were nearly two feet wide and a foot thick. They were lined up to create a maze of metal, a prison of some sort. In the metal cube, there was a single boulder that was at least 10 feet tall. I had no idea how we were supposed to get out of this. None of the others were able to get out. They were sent away from the planet that birthed them. They could not leave before they had learned why they were being banished. Before they could learn to have faith in the unknown, God had to change them.

I gasped as the last of my surroundings came into focus. My pupils shrunk as I realized that I was on a round, three-level platform. My mouth hung open as I realized that I had no clue what planet I was on. I looked up to see eight more inhabitants huddled on this round platform. My eyes rolled around to face their faces. There were only four in total. One held a small bar of dark and brown rock. The other held a gold and blue bar that glimmered. The last two held purple bars and one held a silky white bar that glowed. Each bar was much shorter than the bars of the other aliens. How could anyone’s bar be shorter than the others?

Suddenly there was a sense of panic as hundreds of feet of stone, so smooth it was almost glass-like, appeared. The platform jolted about. The floor was glass-like. I looked down and saw it. The three-level circular platform that housed the aliens who were stuck here held another level below the floor. It was glass-like and the small platform below it was glass-like as well. It was with the small cloud on the bottom. All of the glass was solid. It felt as if we were rising to the top of the planet. I was certain that was the case.

There was light shining on the view before us. It was brighter than I had ever seen. The platform slowed as it rose above the layer of the planet’s atmosphere. The clouds below were shaped into strange shapes and were not truly there at all. They were merely a large cover that looked like carbon paper.

I could tell that I was in a process of talking. Apparently I was unable to communicate. No one was able to communicate or hear my voice or thoughts. The words had to be spoken out loud. The only other language that I know was English had ceased to exist. I did not know a language, but I can speak certain sentences. My tongue must have been cut away because there was no way for me to say a word. I did not speak because there was no way for me to say anything. I think now that all of my thoughts were translated into letters via a machine.

I did not panic. Whether I had spoken or not, panic would not help for I would be helplessly hanging here. The situation was completely hopeless. I thought quickly about what I needed to do. I felt the handle of the dagger in my hands slip from my fingers and fall the 3 levels before my face. The guard in front of me was too preoccupied with our trip to see the dagger. I heard a gasp from the guard. The entire guard body twisted around to my side as the guard fell from the platform. Her left arm was still attached to her body so she floated to the ground.

I began frantically fumbling at my belt pouch. I grabbed the small piece of metal that the dagger had been attached to and pulled it out of the leather. I threw it toward the glass-like platform. It looked like a small stone. I used my right hand to launch it. I heard the guard gasp as she was sent flying toward the glass-like platform. She was now free.

I saw the guards grabbing the three bars of the small group as they were approached by the four under them. They grabbed onto the bars. I could see the guard trying to pull off the bars from the small group. None of the small group was capable of pulling the bars out of the other guards. I could hear a loud gasp as the small groups guardian fell from the staff of lightening. She was no longer in the large cave. She was completely free.

The top of the glass-like platform was half an inch away from my face. I let go of the belt-pouch and reached out to the giant wall of glass. I grabbed and pulled the wall of glass away from the platform. It was heavy and starting to crumble. The sound of the glass snapping and shattering was deafening. It was as if the entire planet was disoriented by the violence that was being dealt against it.

The remaining two of the small group were free as well. They were high enough up to climb out of the broken glass platforms far above the land below. The first thing that I saw once my eyes adjusted to the much brighter environment was a thin ceiling and several gods holding the large platform up. Each god had a different color hair. They must have been gods to begin with.

I was stranded over 1300 feet from the planet below me. I could easily be blown out into space. There was nothing wrong with the platform above me except for the fact that it was held up. The platform was held up by the few gods. The platform held up by the few gods was held up by the planet. I had to find a way to lower the platform. There was not going to be any more platform.

I barely avoided the glass that was falling from the ceiling as the platform stopped. I check on the small group. They were terrified. One of them was talking about the dark-haired god. The dark-haired god had broken the platform. The dark-haired god had broken the platform and killed the guards. The dark-haired god set up the platform so that I could get out of the glass. The divine placed the broken glass platform in such a way that I could leave. I was desperate. I was.

I was holding onto the glass and I had no time to find a way to lower the platform. I grabbed the edge of the platform and listened for a moment. I could hear the hum of the glass. I could hear the hum of the gods and the humming of the platform. I followed the vibrations of the glass and the humming. I was able to sense more. I was able to hear the cracking sounds of the glass. I searched for the source of the sound. The source of the cracking sound was hidden for a moment as the glass continued to crack. The glass continued to crack below me. I began to see beams splintering their way upward. The glass was already in a very large crack. The platform was the only thing holding it up. I had to find a way to get the platform to fall. I lowered the platform.

I swung my sword at the glass on the other side of the platform. It was old and brittle. It broke with a loud clang. The platform continued to fall. I pushed myself off of the platform and pushed down the platform at the same time. I heard the gods holding the platform shriek as the platform started to fall.

My hands hit the floor. I was sliding down the glass and I held onto my sword in one hand. The one who pressed the glass had missed. I saw the platform falling. I could hear the screams of the gods as the platform fell onto the floor. The platform had landed on a large number of gods. I did not see the dark-haired god or the gray-haired one. I did not see any of the remaining gods. They must have fallen to the floor too.

I was still falling. I landed on the floor just before the glass ramp. I had landed on my knees. I turned around and saw a red shrine in the distance. I grabbed my sword and began to run. I could hear the platform falling. Glass shattered. I could hear the glass smashing onto the concrete floor. I ran. I saw wings and I saw glass.

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