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RE: KRUZMAKA - Ink Well contest entry "They are here".

in #fiction2 years ago (edited)

What if I would not have reacted at all to your comment? I hope, it's not too predictable whether I come back, or not. ;)

How do you feel after the secret is revealed and the thrill wears off? Do you know for sure that you got to the bottom of a secret?
Mrs. Weihrich did not receive an answer from Kruzmaka, she remained in uncertainty about his "true nature". She gave her story to her grandchildren, who will feel the same itch of not knowing, but at the same time enjoy this very feeling.

My (your) brain is an extraordinary calculator, yes, but can I say that I know my own brain and its secrets? The moment someone tells me, "it's millions of neurons receiving and transmitting signals" I may nod but that still doesn't tell me a secret. It tells me something about the mindset of another person, gets me to know him better and his interests, it tells me something about the use of language. In terms of terms, they are always back referencing to themselves. I may be fascinated by new terminology but that doesn't mean there is novelty all over the place. I personally find there is a circular movement, not a linear one. I think ... the very term "secret" would not exist, if it wouldn't name something which does not reveal itself.

"Not yet there" is something widely used. But what if we are "there"? Do we recognize the wonders of having been able to arrive in the "here"? Aircrafts and cars, smart phones and computers, I use them and they become the more ordinary, the more I use them, despite being able to understand their mechanics en detail.

The very hunt after secrets is the thrill of the game, I agree.
Not knowing the outcome for sure, makes it interesting in the first place. If there was a certain and not uncertain predictability involved in a game, I would not even begin to play it. It would lose its meaning. For me, it's pointless to "finally arrive", for I don't see a final arrival. For how many centuries do people say "not yet"?

I call it "Not Yetism". LOL

Yes, maybe someone/thing has already done it but I wouldn't want to know, it's like spoiling my personal game.
