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RE: Scrap of the heart (fiction)

in #fiction3 years ago (edited)

So wonderfully written. It is brilliant, it is beautiful the way that a rose bush is. How radiant and full of life In the spring and as the story plays out, how bitter and cold. The brother cried..

I felt this in my heart. But maybe that's because I too am sad, or maybe reading this had brought to the surface some kind of lingering torment. From which I have hid, so far below that god forbid I ever have touch it again. Because deep inside of this hollow grave, lies all of my guilt and sin. Burned to a crisp and carried within a cross. His ashes, and skin.

I loved this so very much. When something can touch me on such a deep and emotional level. That it allows me even for a moment to shed some of my tears.

I applaud you, I applaud you so very much. Even now this writing reminds me of a better time in my life. Even though it ended so abruptly and filled with tragedy. The only comedy is how very much I miss it.

God thank you, honey due.. Thank you so.


What a touching compliment! Thank you so much, and I'm honestly happy you resonated with this, although I'm sorry to hear you're sad. MAybe hiding from it isn't the answer :)

Well, I don't know if I'm hiding from it or not.