Challenge #04101-K083: Take Their Place

in #fiction2 months ago


A Knomira not only berates Tol for giving up his position to live as he does in the Alliance, but physically slaps him. They scream about what an idiot he is being and demands he return to his polity and family, and TAKE BACK his folio. The Alliance are, according to the knomira, "ruining things".
He dares them to live his life for one month, and see for themselves. -- Anon Guest

There was never any such thing as unskilled labor. Tol had learned that in hir time in the Maintenance Orange workwear in the Alliance. It had taken hir weeks to learn how to clean effectively and efficiently.

Which was why it was such an insult to hear, "You're doing everything wrong!"

Tol turned, and witnessed an angry, authoritarian scowl under a bleached blonde bob haircut. The cut of her clothes and her general attitude declared her to be a Deregger on some variant of the Grand Tour. Sometimes referred to as the Grand Sneer. They deliberately went around to a few select locations just to look down their noses at people. And now this one was doing that to Tol.

Ze suspected ze knew what this comment was about, but could not resist a little bit of cheek. "Care to demonstrate the proper method, ma'am? I'm always eager to learn from people who know more than me." Ze offered her the squeegee and spritzer.

She recoiled as if ze was offering her burning poop. "Not that, you moron! You used to control planets! You have a rightful birthright! You could have done so much and become a job creator. Take it all back! Demand the return of your heritage and be what you were born to be!" She nodded as if she expected Tol to immediately follow her orders.

"You have your birthright," said Tol. "How are you making life better for the people who work under your rule?"

"That's not the point under discussion," she sniffed. "Go do what you were born to do!"

"On one condition," said Tol. "Live as I've been living for one Standard Month[1]."

The expression on her face would keep Tol warm on cold nights. If ze ever had such a thing, any more.

[1] Four weeks consisting of ten days. So forty days.

[Photo by Oliver Hale on Unsplash]

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