Challenge #04142-K124: Limited Choices

in #fiction17 days ago


Deregger leadership mobilizes their fleet, and tries to hire mercenary fleets, to attack the planet of "evil naked perverts" who are trying to "corrupt the innocent", at least according to their propaganda.
Despite multiple attempts, and, a lot of unfortunate incidents, it does NOT go well. The dereggers scream even louder at the consequences. Esp. when their later attempted lawsuits fail, too. -- Anon Guest

Shakespeare had a phrase that heartily encapsulates the nature of angry Dereggers with a cause to be noisy about. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. These Dereggers were overflowing with sound and fury.

The debatably good news was that they had given up on assaulting the people on Pakao.

The bad news was that they were aiming to conquer it. A full armada of righteous indignation was swooping with all possible speed to reign shock and awe unto the naked savages and make them behave like decent god-fearing cogniscents. At gunpoint if necessary, and they knew it would be necessary. After all, they'd tried everything else.

Well. Everything except leaving Pakao alone and going about their business.

Never let it be said that Dereggers are mostly harmless. For the most part, they only hurt themselves in their confusion. It was when they set their sights on outside offenses when the trouble started. Only then was it an even chance between utter destruction or hilarious failure.

Sometimes, it was a mixture of the two.

These Dereggers had a strategy of sorts. Charge in with the most impressive fleet, land with heavily-armoured marines, and then enforce morality with gun fire. There were no other polities involved, they simply gathered up all the biggest ships with the largest cannons, and set out at CTL speeds for Pakao.

There was barely enough time to warn everyone in their path.

Pakao was ready. Any established system in the Alliance has the same protections as an Alliance vessel. Though it's impossible to attach "Hungry Caterpillars" to planet, but it is possible to employ a series of satellites with the same equipment. There to intercept anything unregistered and transform it into easily-recyclable stable compounds.

Living creatures are placed in landing gliders and sent down to the surface.

Testimony from the witnesses outlines how the Pakaoans and the tourists alike lined the streets to witness the "fireworks" as Deregger rounds met the Caterpillar satellites, which were then fabricated into cargo glider units.

Then the immense shadow of a Deregger Megadestroyer attempted to ram the planet.

It didn't make it past the satellites.

Soon, the sky filled with the trailing comet tails of survival gliders as they slowly spiralled towards a safe, soft landing.

Dressed or undressed, the people of the Alliance went to help those who were suddenly stranded far from their homes. It was the Alliance way. Always respond to an emergency, because one day the emergency may be your own.

The survivors were all naked, because the Caterpillars weren't that picky. So the people of Pakao offered them a choice: Continue naked, or use the clothing on offer.

...which were some very familiar muumuus.

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"Some very familiar muumuus..." oooh OWCH! LOL Talk about a burn!

What goes around comes around :D