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RE: The Ink Well Prompt #13: 50 Imagination Ticklers

in #fiction3 years ago

No I understand completely. You just posted to your blog instead of The Ink Well. I was just encouraging you to go ahead and use the cross-post function to make the post appear in The Ink Well even though we typically say "no cross posts." I hope that clarifies!

As I said, I made the same mistake yesterday with the prompt post. It's easy enough to do. If you don't make sure you select "post to The Ink Well" it only posts to your blog.


I can post it again? The same post in the Ink Well - but again?
Am I understanding? ha ha!

Where is the cross-post function then? 😅
Maybe I better just leave everything alone and make sure the next one is posted correctly! Don't mind me, I'm laughing over here!