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RE: Fiction Comp - Entrants Submissions - #3 Week 2

in #fiction7 years ago

Lol.. Well, it kinda is in a way.. Growing up, we must have had something we were deeply afraid of.. Using that as a basis could serve. I think.. I don't enjoy horror stories, but I'm sure I'm quite capable of writing one if I explore those fears.

How is your day going? 😃


my day is fine. however i dont see any sense into putting time into dwelling on fear.

Nah, those fears are gone... I was trying to butress my opinion that people could write on horror if they want to...

Are you on discord? I could chat you up 😃

well yes anyone CAN write on it. i just dont see any need to personally. there are so many other things that i would rather write about. i can be found on the PAL network discord

Cool... We'll chat then.. 😃