
Yeah this could be for reals a decent fantasy novel. However, I'm hanging up my novel-writing hat until I stop stressing about the current plague. I'll add it to my ideas file.

Plague interfering with your creativity muscles? When we were in "self isolation"/soft lockdown I got quite a fair bit of work done but I wasn't so much stressed as irritated XD

I have chronic asthma, which means I'm in a high risk group. Given how it takes one idiot flaunting the rules to ruin things for everyone, I can't relax until the pandemic is solidly over.

Watching the news like a hawk because I have to is not the best thing in the world for my noggin.

Given how watching the news doesn't seem to be the best thing for anyone to begin with that has to be the worst x_x

Please don't get sick. We don't want to lose you my friend. Not for a long, long time!