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RE: Challenge #03630-I342: And Two Hands For You

in #fictionlast year

the forgotten boomerang of fate

I got randomly reminded in one of the games that one of my group ran (was nice to be a player for a change XD) where my eldest's character tossed a boomerang into a scene that looked like it had been frozen in time, the boomerang may have knocked something and gotten it going but otherwise proved that they could enter the area without harm, and then the boomerang returned. Eldest botched the roll to catch it and the boomerang hit him on the head and knocked him over. Character got up and eldest decided on "Oh yeh I forgot they did that." (he was playing an Indigenous Australian Mokole that had been woken up after a 200 year hibernation)

Tiny characters easily moving piles of stuff bigger than them is always adorable. Moreso when they climb on them to talk to taller people XD


I was thinking of the cartoon gag where Character A throws a boomerang and, through a series of hilarious cuts, the same boomerang gets them at a later moment.