Tag teaming hatred but love

in #fiction24 days ago (edited)


Wolfie was a man of contradictions. By day, he was a solitary lumberjack, surrounded by the whispering trees of a vast forest, each swing of his axe echoing his solitude. By night, he transformed into a reluctant wrestler in the bustling arenas of Japan, a role thrust upon him against his will. His life was a balancing act between two worlds as different as night and day.

Wolfie's life took an unexpected turn when he met Maki, an ex-sumo wrestler with a formidable reputation. She was a stark contrast to Wolfie, both in stature and personality. While he was reserved and introspective, Maki was assertive and focused, her presence commanding attention in any room. Their paths crossed in the wrestling gym when Wolfie was forced to team with Maki. Despite his initial resistance, Wolfie couldn't help but be drawn to her.

At this moment, they were sparring in Maki's gym, the sound of their movements punctuating the heavy silence. Wolfie, with his rugged physique and unrefined wrestling skills, faced Maki, who moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned fighter. For Wolfie, these sessions were more than just training—they were an opportunity to be close to Maki, to bridge the gap between his unspoken feelings and her indifference.

Wolfie’s Life as a Lumberjack

In the dense forests, Wolfie found solace among the towering trees and the symphony of nature. Each day began before dawn, the sky still a canvas of stars as he ventured into the woods. His axe, an extension of his being, swung with rhythmic precision, felling trees that would eventually become lumber for homes and businesses. The physicality of the work was a stark reminder of his strength, a quality he carried into his wrestling career.

Wolfie's decision to become a lumberjack was born out of necessity rather than choice. Raised in a small, rural town, opportunities were scarce. The forest offered a means of survival and a place where he could be alone with his thoughts. Here, he could forget the complications of the outside world and the pressures of his wrestling career. The trees were his only companions, their silent presence a balm to his lonely soul.

Despite the isolation, Wolfie found a strange comfort in his routine. The work was hard, but it was honest. The smell of pine and earth, the feel of rough bark beneath his hands, and the sound of birdsong became his sanctuary. Yet, beneath this rugged exterior lay a heart yearning for connection, a desire he rarely acknowledged even to himself.

The evenings brought a different kind of solitude. Returning to his modest cabin, Wolfie would light a fire and cook a simple meal. The nights were long, filled with the distant calls of nocturnal creatures and the occasional howl of a lone wolf. It was during these quiet moments that his thoughts often drifted to his other life, the one he never asked for but couldn't escape.

The Wrestling Career

Wolfie’s wrestling career began as a fluke. A chance encounter with a talent scout during a rare visit to the city led to an unexpected opportunity. His imposing physique caught the scout's eye, and before he knew it, Wolfie was on a plane to Japan, a land as foreign to him as the wrestling ring. The transition was jarring. From the tranquility of the forest to the chaos of the wrestling world, Wolfie felt like a fish out of water.

Wrestling in Japan was intense and demanding. The fans were passionate, the training rigorous, and the competition fierce. Wolfie struggled to adapt, his natural strength often undermined by his lack of technical skills. Every match was a battle not just against his opponent, but against his own doubts and insecurities. The language barrier only added to his isolation, making it difficult for him to connect with others or express his frustrations.

Despite the challenges, Wolfie endured. He had little choice. Bound by a contract he didn’t fully understand, he was trapped in this new life. His nights in the wrestling ring were a stark contrast to his days in the forest. The roar of the crowd replaced the whisper of the trees, the harsh lights of the arena, the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the canopy. Wrestling became a means to an end, a way to survive rather than a passion.

His wrestling career was going well, undefeated, after the first two matches the physical toll was immense, the bruises and injuries a constant reminder of his struggles. Yet, through it all, Wolfie remained resilient. He had faced hardships before and knew how to endure pain, both physical and emotional. Wrestling, for all its challenges, was just another battle to be fought and survived.

Meeting Maki

Wolfie's life took a turn when he met Maki. It was during a routine training session at the gym where she coached. Maki, a former sumo wrestler, was a force to be reckoned with. Her reputation preceded her, and her presence commanded respect. Wolfie, accustomed to being the outsider, was immediately intrigued by her.

Maki's life was a story of discipline and determination. She had risen through the ranks of sumo wrestling, a sport dominated by men, and had earned her place through sheer grit and hard work. Her transition to wrestling was seamless, and she brought the same intensity to training as she did to her own career. Maki was not one to be easily impressed, and she maintained a strict focus on her goals.

Their first encounter was unremarkable, a simple introduction in the gym. But as days turned into weeks, Wolfie found himself drawn to her strength and resilience. Maki was everything he admired but felt he could never be. She was confident, disciplined, and unyielding. For Wolfie, who often felt adrift, Maki represented an anchor, a sense of stability he desperately craved.

As they spent more time together in the gym, Wolfie’s feelings for Maki grew. He admired her not just for her physical prowess but for her unwavering determination and the respect she commanded from everyone around her. Maki, however, remained indifferent. To her, Wolfie was just another wrestler.

Sparring Sessions

Sparring with Maki was both a challenge and a privilege for Wolfie. These sessions were intense, a test of both physical and mental endurance. Maki’s style was precise and controlled, each move calculated and deliberate. Wolfie, on the other hand, relied on brute strength and instinct, a combination that often left him at a disadvantage.

In the gym, Maki was all business. She pushed Wolfie to his limits, demanding perfection and punishing mistakes. For Wolfie, these sessions were more than just training. They were an opportunity to be close to Maki, to share a space with her, even if it was under the pretext of wrestling. Each session was a mixture of pain and pleasure, the physical exertion overshadowed by the thrill of being near her.

Maki, however, remained focused on her goals. She viewed Wolfie as a project, someone with potential but lacking in refinement. Her indifference to his feelings was not out of cruelty but out of dedication to her craft. She had no room for distractions, no time for emotions that could cloud her judgment. For Maki, wrestling was everything, and she expected the same commitment from those she trained.

Wolfie’s internal struggle was palpable. Each sparring session was a test of his resolve, a battle between his growing feelings for Maki and his desire to prove himself in the ring. He pushed himself harder, hoping to earn her respect, if not her affection. But Maki remained unmoved, her focus unwavering. She admired dedication and skill, qualities she felt Wolfie had yet to fully develop.

Unrequited Love

Wolfie’s attempts to express his feelings for Maki were met with a mix of confusion and indifference. He tried to find moments outside of training to talk to her, to show her that he was more than just a wrestler. But Maki's world was singularly focused on wrestling, and she had little patience for what she saw as distractions.

Maki’s reactions were always polite but distant. She acknowledged Wolfie’s efforts but never encouraged them. To her, emotions were secondary to the discipline and hard work required in the ring. She respected Wolfie’s dedication to training but was oblivious to his deeper feelings. Her life was a testament to the sacrifices one had to make to succeed, and she expected nothing less from those around her.

For Wolfie, unrequited love was a source of constant pain. Each day, he struggled with his feelings, torn between his admiration for Maki and the realization that she would never see him the way he saw her. The sparring sessions became a bittersweet experience, filled with the joy of being near her and the agony of knowing she felt nothing for him.

Despite the emotional turmoil, Wolfie remained determined. He continued to train, hoping that his dedication and perseverance would eventually earn Maki’s respect. He knew the odds were against him, but he was no stranger to hardship. Wolfie had survived alone in the forest, had endured the challenges of the wrestling world, and he would endure this as well.


Wolfie's journey was one of contrasts and contradictions. A solitary lumberjack by day and a reluctant wrestler by night, his life was a constant struggle between two worlds. His unrequited love for Maki added another layer of complexity to his existence, a source of both inspiration and heartache.

Reflecting on his journey, Wolfie realized that his experiences had shaped him in ways he never anticipated. The loneliness of the forest had taught him resilience, the wrestling ring had tested his strength, and his feelings for Maki had revealed a depth of emotion he had long suppressed. Each aspect of his life was a piece of the puzzle that made him who he was.

As for the future, Wolfie remained uncertain. His feelings for Maki were unlikely to change, and her indifference was a reality he had to accept. But he found solace in the fact that he had dared to feel, dared to hope, and dared to endure. In the end, it was not the outcome that mattered, but the journey itself.

Wolfie’s story was one of loneliness and resilience, a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to endure and find meaning in the most unexpected places. His unrequited love for Maki was a reminder that sometimes, the things we desire most are the hardest to attain, but it is the pursuit that defines us. And in that pursuit, Wolfie found a strength and determination that would carry him through whatever challenges lay ahead.