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RE: Short Story | Cursed

in #fiction6 years ago

Thank you, @oliviackl :D I'm glad you liked the story and the recommended songs. I found Jacob Lee by chance thanks to YouTube's autoplay, and I fell in love with his music. And yes, the plot is partly inspired by Cursed. Thank you for remembering Dope-ill-gang-her and for stopping by!


I need to thank you for recommend me listen to Jacob Lee‘s song. I also fell in love with his song. Very creative of you to write story base on a song.. You always write base on a song or this was your first tried?

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Some of the things I've written are inspired by music, but this was the first time I intentionally linked the plot to the theme of the song. I did that to give it more strenght to the story.

And you definitely nailed it. It brought to a different feel of story reading. And a different level of enjoyment when read the story while listen to the music.

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