Fifty-Word Challenge Entry...

Astral Travel


Close your eyes and let the astral winds raise you up. Concentrate now, there is no need to fear.

Like a feather without a wing, you are lifted and carried; Light as air, quietly breathing.

Just allow.

Take in the sights, sounds, smells.

When your eyes open, the journey ends.

This is my entry into this weeks "Fifty-Word Challenge" hosted by @jayna:

This weeks word prompt is "Wing"


Ah, how I would love to fly!




Me too @creatr, I dream about it sometimes...

At first read, it seemed a story about a metaphysical journey. But on reading again, I get the sense this goes deeper. A metaphor perhaps of life. Got me thinking, and that's what stories should do. Nicely done.

I'm glad you were able to go beneath the surface @anikekirsten; Thank you for your comment :)