Retro Film Review: Air Force One (1997)

in #film4 years ago (edited)


(SPECIAL NOTE: Capsule version of the review is available here.)

It isn't unusual for some films to gain importance and value with the passage of time. However, it is unusual when it happens due to reasons that have very little to do with their quality. Air Force One, a 1997 action spectacle directed by Wolfgang Petersen, is one of those rare films that became valuable while remaining bad.

Just like in many of Hollywood's 1990s action blockbusters, the plot dealt with the aftermath of the Cold War. Evil Communist general Radek (played by Jürgen Prochnow) took over Kazakhstan and launched a brutal war with the aim of restoring the Soviet Union. The entire Russian military is unable to stop him, but US forces are there to save the world with a brilliant commando raid that would end with Radek captured and being brought to Russian custody. US President James Marshall (played by Harrison Ford) comes to Moscow to celebrate the success of the raid and uses the opportunity to promise that the US government would never negotiate with terrorists. He would have to put this policy into practice when the gang of Radek's supporters, led by Ivan Korshunov (played by Gary Oldman), manages to hijack the President's plane as it leaves Moscow. They take some fifty hostages, including First Lady Grace Marshall (played by Wendy Crewson) and the President's 12-year-old daughter Alice (played by Liesel Matthews) and demand that Radek gets released from prison in exchange for the hostages. The President, who happens to be a decorated Vietnam War veteran, manages to hide in the plane. While the rest of the US government, led by Vice President Kathryn Bennet (played by Glenn Close), deliberates how to respond to the terrorists' demands and while the terrorists execute one hostage every 30 minutes, the President is determined to wreck Korshunov's plan and retake his plane.

In strictly technical terms, Air Force One is a relatively good film. German director Wolfgang Petersen is well-experienced with the action genre, and he can handle even difficult action scenes in the confined spaces of an aeroplane. Richard Edlund's special effects are for the most part very convincing, at least by 1990s standards. Jerry Goldsmith skillfully uses patriotic motifs in his music soundtrack and thus makes it sound original. The acting is more than passable – the efforts of good character actors match the very convincing Harrison Ford in the role of a world leader turned into an action hero. Gary Oldman is surprisingly restrained in his portrayal of a psychopathic villain.

The main problem of Air Force One is William A. Marlowe's script. While most of Hollywood's 1990s action blockbusters asked viewers to suspend their disbelief, few went as far as this one. Any attempt to compare the plot of Air Force One with similar or corresponding scenarios that happened or could have happened in real life brings this film closer to fantasy than to the action genre. Marlowe's script tries to convince the audience that one of the world's most treasured objects could be easily taken over by a few terrorists. It also tries to portray the world's most elite security detail allowing itself to be wiped out like sitting ducks. To add to all that, the President of the United States in this film is gifted not only with an impeccable character or superb martial skills, but also with supernatural abilities to predict the right course of action even when it contradicts common sense. All this could have been digestible in Air Force One with at least a little bit of irony or with a script that doesn't take itself seriously. Unfortunately, any semblance of humour is absent from this film. Because the film tries to be serious, some of the plot holes are almost intolerable.

That doesn't mean that Air Force One is worthless. On the contrary, the passage of time made this film valuable because Air Force One now gives an excellent insight into the way Hollywood viewed the world during Clinton's presidency. In those utopian times, the USA was not only the sole, but also an invulnerable superpower with the ability and willingness to take out evildoers and bring the fruits of democracy and prosperity to every corner of the world. In those times, American democracy worked flawlessly and American people always elected only the best possible leaders, without any flaws and moral failings. The American political system was perfect, the military was perfect and the only people insane enough to resist American supremacy were those who had unsuccessfully tried to do it in the past - Communists (whose identity Petersen reveals with the use of L'Internationale in one of the more surreal scenes of the film).

Needless to say, today we are living in a very different world and the overwhelming majority of people are sharing a world-view that is if not diametrically opposed then at least very different from the one advocated by the makers of this film. Ironically, in one tiny detail Air Force One is today closer to reality than seven years ago – the political priorities of this film's fictional US President look like a carbon copy of the political priorities of the current White House occupant. Those few people who watch this film today are going to be reminded that the world is a much more complicated place than Hollywood filmmakers would like us to believe.

RATING: 3/10 (+)

(Note: The text in its original form was posted in Usenet newsgroup on March 19th 2004)


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