America's Top Five Reasons For Keeping a Fish Aquarium

in #fish4 years ago (edited)

According to, "fish are America's second hottest pet and quite 7.4 million U.S. households have aquarium fish". Since the world's first public aquarium opened in 1853, Aquaria Guide became America's obsession.

Wonder why fish aquariums are a serious hit in America? Here are the top five reasons why:

  1. THERAPY. Research studies have proven that aquariums offer therapeutic benefits. Purdue University researchers have proven this when they studied the impact of displaying tanks of brightly colored fish towards the behaviors and eating habits of Alzheimer patients. The study revealed that those who were exposed to the fish aquariums became more relaxed, alert and ate more food than before they were exposed to such a stimulus.

  2. STRESS RELIEVER. With a hectic schedule and a huge amount of work to be done at home, school or in the office, who wouldn't be stressed out? But if you religiously stare into an aquarium, your blood pressure will lower down and your nerves will be calm down as well. The serenity of the sound and motion that an aquarium fish exhibit works well in relieving a person's stressed out day. When you go to your doctor or dentist, what do most of their waiting rooms have? They have aquariums which are intended to alleviate the anxiety that patients have towards them.

  3. TOOLS FOR KIDS. If your kids are hyperactive, then you've found the best technique for calming them down. They're even a great way for helping your kids improve academically. In fact, studies have revealed that students who own fish tend to attain higher on both math and verbal SATs, with a combined score of 200 points over their counterparts who do not have pets. Both parents and teachers can use fish aquariums to show their kids to understand and take excellent care of nature. It's also effective at reducing children's anxiety. They also get to exercise their creativity as you let them help in setting up the aquarium. By assigning them the household or classroom chore to feed their pets, the practice discipline as well.

  4. EMBELLISHMENT. Anybody's home or any other space will surely look beautiful when you use a fish aquarium as an embellishment. With the right lighting and beautiful aquascapes, your homes will surely be your neighbor's envy.

  5. HARMONY. Because fishes just swim in water, they don't make any sounds at all. This way, you get to stay pets and at an equivalent time, keep your environment calm and harmonious. We all know that fishes don't bark or meow, so they make great home pets!

Pets are always considered to be man's companion. But among all pets, America has seen the advantages of keeping a fish aquarium. If you haven't, you should try setting up an aquarium now, so you can start experiencing the top five reasons why Americans are keeping fishes instead of dogs and cats.


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