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RE: Gymetiquette for New Year's Resolutionists – A guide to effective and considerate gym workouts

in #fitness6 years ago

Informative article! Unfortunately, I have involuntarily farted during workouts before haha (I don't think it was the smelly kind). I also learned to never wear boxers during squatting (wear briefs/boxer briefs).

What does annoy is people leaving their personal items by weight racks. It gets confusing if they're still using the equipment or not. Sometimes people grab a drink of water, which is fine but when the gym is crowded and there are only x amount of squat or bench racks, it's a bit annoying just to leave your stuff lying around when you aren't actually there using it! I've seen water bottles left by squat racks for over 30 minutes. I generally give a grace rule of 10 minutes.


Unfortunately, I have involuntarily farted

Haha, well that happens. Just need to try to be discreet about it.

I also learned to never wear boxers during squatting (wear briefs/boxer briefs).

Thigh-tight underwear always :-)

I generally give a grace rule of 10 minutes.

Damn, you are patient! It's really annoying how people leave their rubbish sometimes...