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RE: I Gotta Lose the Weight...I'm a Fat Ass :)

in #fitness6 years ago

Robert, I just want to shout out to the world the fact that losing weight (fat, not LBM (lean body mass)) is not about exercising. It's just a simple calculation if you can stick to it - As long as the number of calories you consume is less than the number of calories your body burns throughout the day, you will be losing weight. Just a few steps: 1. Find your required number of calories (a rough estimate) by using one of the online calories calculator. 2. To lose weight, target a total calorie intake to -500 from the required number. 3. Use an application to log all that you eat, everyday (I use MyFitnessPal), and stick to the target. 4. Ensure a few things about your eating habit - a) You must meet your protein goals everyday b) You must have atleast 2 handfuls of green veggies with each meal c) Drink 3+ litres of water everyday d) Sleep atleast 8+ hours (very important to lose weight) e) Make these a habit. You need to find a diet that you enjoy, not one that makes you feel dissatisfied. Remember, if it feels like dieting, you'll always want to get back to normal eating. It should feel like normal. Developing habits is what's important. Consistency is the key. I have lost 15 kgs in 2 years (i prefer losing slowly and steadily, aim for losing 0.5% of your current weight) Keep log. Tracking what you eat and your daily progress will keep you motivated and I bet you'll achieve a healthy balance soon. Keep going. Do not stop till you have what you want. Be aware of what you are putting in that God-given body of yours - what nutrition, how many calories.