A Public Service Announcement : Piss off Asshole!

in #flame4 years ago

Who is the audience here?

Well likely all those that follow me will get this post, potentially, thrown at them from their feed. The followers of any of my followers who may share this post should also be included. So the audience is the most likely for me to cross digital paths with in the comment sections of their, or my, posts on the HIVE or STEEM blockchain.

Things can heat up

Sometimes things can get a little heated. Traditionally not as cray cray as on FedBook; yet the HIVE-STEEM fork took things to new and unforeseen heights for me at least.

Why even just discussions surrounding the fork can turn up that heat.

My Intention

It is my intent to let any of that audience, that was previously mentioned, know that should you ever receive a comment from me saying something like Piss off asshole!" or "Fuck you asshole!*" that there is no need to reply to me unless it is that audience which you care to address. That is because the next action taken after posting such a comment will be to block the asshole's account.

Thank ya. Thank ya very much.



In any comment making, been polite and friendly is the key.

I can't imagine someone telling me to fuck off

I can't imagine someone telling me to fuck off

Indeed, it seems an unimaginable thing to do prior to the HIVE/STEEM fork. Yet that affair unmasked a lot of vindictive greedy bastards behind the veneer of politeness.