The Combretum indicum.

in #flowers6 years ago

Not long ago, during my daily walk, I stumbled upon

a lovely smell.

I looked for its origin and discovered it was from a hidden tree,

it was plenty of flowers.

My "investigations" ended on the Chinese Honeysuckle tree, also

known as the Rangoon Creeper, being its botanic name Combretum Indicum.

The tree is initially from Asia. However, it can be found everywhere there is warm weather.

We can learn from Wikipedia that the importance of the tree is not only because of the fragrance but for its medicinal properties:

"The plant is used in herbal medicine. Decoctions of the root, seed or fruit can be used as antihelmintic to expel parasitic worms or for alleviating diarrhea. Fruit decoction can also be used for gargling. The fruits are also used to combat nephritis. Leaves can be used to relieve pain caused by fever. The roots are used to treat rheumatism". 

My photo with my MI.


I really like this flowers.

nice bro and i like your work keep it up

The tree Rangoon creeper has beautiful red flowers with lovely smell. The smell of this flower attracts everyone mind.
This flower is also used in making fragmented products.
A lovely Rangoon creeper tree is being near my house.

Posted using Partiko Android

nice photography antonella..
i am also a flower photography lover.
here are some of my clicks from mobile..

Nice click😊

An eye catching flowers!
A very lovely photo this is!

Hello, beautiful photography, nature is kind to us and gives us flowers like yours to alleviate certain ills of the body ... good post. I vote for you I invite you very humbly to visit my profile and give me your support ... Thank you.

nice photography

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