Preparing My Birthday - Achims Lagerfeuereintopf

in #food4 years ago

In a few weeks, I am going to have my birthday party. Due to Corona and some other reasons I want to have it in a small circle of old friends. I am really looking forward to it.
We want to sit at an open bonfire and of course eat something.
So I prepared a meal to test if I can offer it to my guests.
Here is:

Achims Lagerfeuereintopf



  • Schweinenackenkotletts/Pork neck chops
  • Zwiebeln/onions
  • Paprika
  • Blumenkohl/Cauliflower
  • Porree/Leeks
  • Kartoffeln/Potatoes
  • Maggikraut/Maggi herb
  • Pepper+Salt+Paprika powder
  • Brühe/Broth

This has to hang at least for three hours above a small flame (it should cook a little bit). Good time to drink a beer and care about the fire.


And here is the result:

Bon Appetit!
