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RE: What's brewing?

in #food8 years ago

The milk kefir is voracious! I've had good results using it in smoothies, and as a replacement for yoghurt in a curry and in place of buttermilk in pancakes...any ideas will be much appreciated :)
I drank a lot of kombucha last summer, and kept finding I didn't have jars to ferment anything production is ramping up this year.
Caspian sea yoghurt sounds enchanting, I'm off to look it up.


We usually use in smoothies. But I also use it in my grain free Cashew bread - I posted the pumpkin version of that bread a few days ago, but often I use kefir not pumpkin. Caspian sea yoghurt is lovely, but I killed my last lot after using it successfully for years, and haven't been able to replace it