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RE: Miss. Delicious #84 : Ayada's Magu and sunset fishing!

in #food6 years ago

Oh my gosh! looks like paradise! Truly a dream. Loved your descriptive writing especially in the section starting with, "My day began with a familiar whistle of wind through imperfect cracks of my bedroom door...."
I was transported :) Thanks.
Btw, how many people do you travel with? Or are you the most pro tripod user the world has ever seen?


Thank you avesa, sometimes pictures require some descriptive words to help frame it. I usually travel with 1 or two people but I do also use a tripod :)

Well then, it's settled. MOST PRO TRIPOD USER THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. haha.
Ya'll be safe out there! — at least there are nurses in case anything goes wrong ;)
*Cheesy music plays and avesa is yanked off stage *