Chicken lollipops 🍭:

in #food5 years ago (edited)


Happy Saturday to everyone my lovely friends! Today I bring a Mauritian snack which call it chichen lollipops, they are very yummy and easy to prepare them, let’s us follow the steps to prepare them:
To make these Mauritian lollipops 🍭 snacks you need:

  • 500 gms of boneless chicken breast
  • 1 big onion grated
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic paste
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger paste
  • dried bread , small baguette 🥖
  • spices of tandoori mix
  • salt
  • thyme
  • mint
  • coriander
  • spring onion
  • 1 whole egg 🥚



  • crush the boneless chicken breast in blender , then mix all the ingredients together well, until you get this mixture.


  • form the mixture into balls, then start put it in brochettes sticks.


  • fry them in hot oil .
    Bon appetit!!!
    I hope you will try this recipe soon!!
    Have you ever tasted the Mauritian chicken lollipops 🍭?

All photos are mine and original!

An upvote will be most welcomed!

Do resteem it if you think more people need to see it.

Thank you very much!



Delicious 😋

Thank you very much my friend for your comment.

My favourite 😋

I hope you try it one day my dear @shabneez.

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