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RE: Crunchy Raw Pizza - Wholesome and Tasty (Vegan)

in #food6 years ago

I've tried to use the oven as a dehydrator but I was feeling so sorry for the energy that I wasted so I understand that you don't find it economic too. Dehydrator and air fryer are on my list to Santa this year. I hope I was good enough :D

Are you back from Bali already? It must be difficult for you to adjust to the weather conditions as well. And yes, I can imagine that you're missing the food. But you resolved this issue brilliantly.

It's a great recipe that doesn't need that many ingredients and it's fresh and healthy. It does take a little bit of time to prepare when you don't have the dehydrator but it doesn't matter as you don't need to stand next to your oven :) It really looks delicious! And I love the colors :)

Thank you for sharing!


I totally get that - I'd only rather stick to my salads on a daily basis and treat myself with such a meal only on a few occasions. 😉 Santa must give in to such healthy wishes. 😄

Yes, we left Bali on short notice to visit our families in Germany, but will only stay here for one more week, then we stay in Kuala Lumpur over Christmas and New Year's. Don't let me get started about the weather, it dropped down to 8°C yesterday. ☃️ We are very lucky though, since the sun is shining most of the time and there is almost no rain in sight. And my parents where we are staying have a fireplace which is super comfy in the evenings. ✨

I always strive for a simple diet with easy-to-get ingredients and if the quality is great you don't need any fancy stuff to make it taste good. Any other approach is just not easily sustainable for most of the people.

Thank you for stopping by! 💚