Lets Get That Bread

in #food2 years ago


My darling @artedellavita inspired me to bake my own bread, she’s such a gorgeous all around homemaker. It took me a week to make the bread because my starter was in dried form because it’s been busy times with the move to a new house and out of the city.

I fed my starter for five days until it started to be all happy and bubbly again and ready for use. I did cheat a tiny bit and added some yeast to the dought too because I’m not that patient to wait a whole damn day and a half for the dought to raise with only using levain.

I made a really simple bread that I cooked inside a Dutch oven to get a really nice crust. Making your own bread is so worth it. Now I have an active starter in my fridge again so I can start playing around with baking my own bread more often.


Unrelatetly here’s a painting I didn’t buy at the secondhand store because my wallet said no, but would have really liked in my home. This lady is a whole mood and I aspire to be her.



@rossfletcher beat me to it.

If you wanted to know a little more about that/those paintings,
La Maja Vestida

The geek in me thinks it'd be great to get a print of each and devise a way to have the Clothed Maja be able to scroll in front of the Nude Maja (within the same frame). "Ok Google - display the Nude Maja". For no reason other than it'd be interesting.

I was going to ask Ross about who this painting is by so thanks for educating me, I had no idea!

Would be really fun to have both versions and change them up.

Well, they say that imitation is the best form of flattery.

If only we knew someone who was good with a camera, lighting, backdrops and stuff like that .... throw in a couple of watercolour filters and BOOM ... "La Eva Vestida". Then turn it into an NFT and gift it to your man as an investment vehicle. 😇

Then, you'd just need to tweak a certain tattoo to "... belongs in a museum!"

I am not mad at the idea. Not one to try and completely emulate something but I can definitely take inspiration and try and achieve the same kind of mood. I am in the process of decorating an old house so slowly I’ll have better backdrops to put myself into a more classical setting and not a studio.

You can get her with and without clothes!


Depending on who's coming to visit ;)

Wait what, I didn’t know she is a reproduction of a famous painting. How peasant of me!

Haha! When I saw it in your post I thought "Hey, she looks familiar" Took me a minute to remember it was a Goya. I hope they weren't asking too much, considering...

Goys'a painting is actually something of a copy - a theme so to speak - in a sense. I think Giorgione did it first. Then Titian with the Venus of Urbino. Then Manet did his version Olympia. There's probably a bunch more. Seems that nudes have been quite popular even though they mostly hid them in a closet!

I like the classical style of paintings but I am by no means educated in it. What I do know is that people have and always will admire and want to capture beauty and female form. Nudes will never go out of style!

That painting is really pretty cool how so many artists did a version of it

Manet's scandalous "prostitute" Olympia


This bread looks enticing.
I guess you can now bake your bread often.