Baking 🍞 Traditional Karelian pies (w/ rice) – Recipe

in #food β€’ 4 years ago

Due to popular demand, thanks to @kaminchan and @cwow2, I decided to post a recipe to the Karelian pies we made!

(This one is in continuation to Yesterday's post in #DailyAndFresh.)

First, a disclaimer: The original Karelian pies were usually made with barley porridge, since it was plentiful in Finland, and rice is a relatively new foodstuff in the Finnish kitchen.

You may also use mashed potatoes or veggies as filling too. Rice having been exotic and all may have contributed to the fact it was once upon a time very popular filling for the pies.

The traditional way to prepare the crust has earned an International protection status for the name "Karjalanpiirakka". If the pasty is prepared any other way, it can not be called with that name, but use another name like "riisipiirakka" ("rice pie") instead.

Legalese information on the specifics of what can be called "Karjalanpiirakka".

Okay, on with the recipe, then...



πŸ₯£Rice porridge:
2 dlshort grained rice (porridge rice)
2 dlwater
1 lmilk (preferrably whole milk)
1 tspsalt

The crust

πŸ₯¨Rye dough:
3 dlrye flour (or whole grain wheat flour)
2 dlwheat flour
2 dlcold water
1 tspsalt

(To moisturize, another 2 dl of water and 50 g of butter.)

Heat the water to boil, and add the rice. When the rice has absorbed most of the water, add milk and simmer for about 1 hour. Add the salt, when the porridge is ready.

Preparing the filling:

Mix the flour and the salt, add water and mix them into a dough. The dough will be quite hard. Keep the dough covered under a towel to keep it from drying up.

Preparing the dough

Cutting the dough into equal sized pieces.

Shape the dough into a thick bar, and divide it into 25 to 30 pieces. Shape the pieces into balls or round "cakes". Roll them into paper thin pie crust circles, use a "pulikka" (a rounded rolling pin), if you have one. Use some flour to keep the dough from sticking onto the table or pin.

Sprinkle some flour between the crusts when piling them.

Remember to keep them covered to keep from drying up.

If you can, use a rounded pin "pulikka" to get best results.

Spread the filling on the crust.

Spread the filling onto the crust, fold and wrinkle the sides over the filling, in an oval shape.

Wrinkle the sides to make the pie into an oval shape.

Bake them in the oven at 250Β°C for 15 to 20 minutes. When the pies are in the oven, prepare a "bath" for them: Boil the water, and melt the butter in it. Dip the pies into the butter water as soon as they come out of the oven.

The pies are usually eaten hot, and often with "egg butter" (boiled and chopped eggs mixed with butter).

There you have it, the recipe for Karelian pies! 😎

I hope you liked them, and tell me if you want to see more food related posts. (I actually have one coming up later today.)

Hey, have fun, and I will be seeing you again in the next post!

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Thanks so much for your efforts into putting this recipe and the great photos. Bookmarked and I'll definitely try it. I suppose adding some extra virgin olive oil could add some flavor, what do you think? πŸ€”πŸ˜‰

Thank you! I appreciate it.

Olive oil... I think you should try it out. It might work. I personally like butter, but olive oil certainly has a nice flavor to it too.

I like your recipe and the way you used it, copy and saved for future use.

Thanks for the recipe! Is there a way to use something else than Butter?(Egg and butter)
Or are they still really delicious without the butter :p

I guess you could use margarine, but we have not tried it. For the "bath" you may also use vegetable oil water mix, or brush them with vegetable oil. Dipping in warm milk is also possible.

Also, you can top them with anything you think you might be good, cheese tastes good with them too. There are places in Finland where they put salted vendace on them. I think if you don't have those, you can substitute them with a salted fish of your own choosing.

The pies do taste pretty good straight out of the oven though.

Well, I wanted to make them vegan tho haha xD

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Well, I guess you can, but I'm not sure if they can be called the same, you'd need to use some other name, like "riisipiirakka" ("rice pie").

I can't tell you how to create the egg and butter mix in a vegan form (I wouldn't know how), I guess you just need to try something else to replace them with.

Update: Everything but the eggs you can swap for vegan stuff. But I can't say what to replace the eggs with. Sorry about that.

There is substitutes, not sure if I can get them tho! Might have to order them on Amazon xD

Here, rice is staple... but potatoes sound interesting
Got to give this a try

Cool! I hope you'll post photos too. :)

Looks delicious!!

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Nice item to enjoyed with the breakfast.

It seems to be a nice recipe

Thank you very much! Very simple for me to follow, except the β€˜bath’. This will make the pie softer!?
dl stands for table spoon!?!


The "bath" is just small amount of water mixed with butter or some other grease,that you dip the pies quickly in to preserve some moistness, so that they won't dry up too fast. The crust may end up crumbling too easily if this step is not followed.

Oh, and "dl" means desilitre.

1 dl is 100ml :D

Aha! That makes more sense to me!


You are welcome hehe.
I dont do cups in the Nordic countries :p

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